Mützelstr. 22, 39307 Genthin
The district museum was founded in 1886 by the "Association of friends of the ancient times." In 1908 the huge collection was organized by the district of Jerichow 2, and the museum moved into the Art Nouveau mansion close to the train station of Genthin. After the districts of Burg and Genthin were put together in 1994, the museum became the museum of the county of Jerichow. It offers more than 25,000 exhibits found in the area between rivers Elbe and Havel and the terrain of the Fläming. The most famous collection nationwide is the one that deals with pre and early history. In the front yard you can start your exploration: You can try to read the inscription of the rune stone or gaze at the wooden boats made out of a single trunk. Upon entering the museum you will be welcomed by a mammoth skull. You could also view an impressive musical instrument constructed entirely of bones. The second level of the house offers a tour that focuses primarily on the middle ages. You will learn about the ancient weaving trade, the mysterious "Kaffeekahn" and the history of Otto von Bismarck’s relation to the County of Jerichow.